Working with Microsoft Excel 2021 – Using the Map tool to Create Maps in Excel
The Style Designer is simply a utility within the excel report designer which is used to make and modify styles in charts. You can alter the appearance of your chart by using the different styles and their corresponding sets. In earlier versions of Excel, it was necessary to modify the style and set directly within the program. This meant that once you had made the changes, they would be applied immediately without waiting for an open report or a Save Point (as you would with other Microsoft Office applications). However, in Excel 2021, these are now available as part of the Office Graph viewer tool, and you can modify your style and set both at the same time – in one single location.
To illustrate the use of a style designer in Excel 2021, let us take the following example. We have created a new report which contains a histogram of employee demographics. To show the histogram in our report, we have created a map style, which can be used alongside the column labels to specify the map style to which the values will be assigned. For example, the values can be designated as Red if they are observed in the upper left corner of the screen, Green if they are observed in the lower right corner, Blue if they are located in the lower left corner, and Orange if they are located in the upper right corner of the screen. Once you have completed setting up the map style and selecting the data to be placed into the cells, we can proceed to the Saving the Report wizard, which will display a confirmation message which indicates whether all the selected data has been successfully saved. If all the boxes in the Saving the Report wizard are filled, our report items will be saved and the image displayed as shown below.
An important part of working with Excel is learning to use the various built-in features such as the Style Designer, and the Map viewer tool. You will gain valuable knowledge on how to modify the visual appearance of your charts and reports to meet your specific requirements. The mapping tool provides a great way to modify the map styles and color schemes of your reports, and customize the map by filling in the map style options that you have chosen. If you find yourself struggling with using the Map tool, please note that there are many tutorials available on the Microsoft website on how to use this tool.