Fire Monkey – A Powerful Tool for Firebug and Smart Phone Development
If you have an application that utilizes Firemonkey as its text platform, then it will certainly benefit from a text style editor, whether you are developing the application yourself, or using one of the numerous commercial alternatives. The Fire Monkey text platform is popular because it is very easy to use, as well as being highly versatile, having the ability to perform a variety of functions. Text styles provide a great number of useful benefits to web developers and designers, allowing them to add a great amount of text to their applications and web pages without having to write all of the code themselves. Styles also allow users to create different default styles for elements of their chosen element types. You will find many more options to customize your pages and your application with Fire Monkey, and this article will explain how you can get started.
In the Fire Monkey workspace, you can click on the” Editor” icon in the lower right corner of the main toolbar, or click on” Springfield Style Designer “in the same location. From there, you can choose the “Style” command from the context menu on the right side of the workspace. To use Platform styles, double-click an existing style book element. To use Custom styles, use either the “Edit Default Style” command of the context menu on the right side of the workspace, or use the various commands provided in the shortcut menu that appears when you right-click on a styled element.
To make changes to your source code, you need to right-click the selected element and select “Edit with Fire monkey code editor.” To change the actual style, you simply click on the “New Style” button. There are many different fire monkey style commands that you can use to customize your application, and these include commands for everything from text width to the color of text boxes. You can even specify the behavior of each command, such as whether it automatically updates when the screen orientation changes.